Call of Dragons News

Call of Dragons Tips

About Call of Dragons

Call of Dragons: A Captivating Fantasy Strategy Mobile Game

Embark on a grand and thrilling odyssey in the realm of Call of Dragons, an exhilarating multiplayer strategy game set within a mesmerizing world of fantasy. Crafted by the creative minds behind the acclaimed “Rise of Kingdoms”.

Immerse yourself completely in a realm brimming with mythical civilizations and captivating occurrences. Establish and fortify your very own metropolis, forge unbreakable alliances, seize territories, and engage in warfare against adversaries, all while standing shoulder to shoulder with your trusted comrades. Take your pick from the esteemed League of Order (comprised of noble humans), the enigmatic Springwardens (graceful elves), or the formidable Wilderburg (fierce orcs), and lead your valiant troops into battle

Call of Dragons Features:

Join Forces in an Alliance: Recognize the value of each alliance member’s contributions, irrespective of their role. From valiant warriors to dedicated attendants, collaborate as a unified front to achieve triumph.

Unlock a World of Fantasy: Embark on an exploration of Tamaris, an enchanting realm inhabited by three factions and a multitude of mystical creatures. Traverse awe-inspiring natural panoramas as you embark on a quest for dominance and renown.

Devise Tactical Approaches for Victory: Employ the formidable artifact skills including teleportation, concealment, and devastating assaults, to secure triumph. Deploy airborne legions across diverse landscapes, encompassing rivers and canyons, to unleash unexpected offensives against foes. Master the intricacies of three-dimensional terrain and wield it strategically to unleash formidable offensives.

Establish a Flourishing Empire: Enhance, train, and expand your city-state. Enlist heroes and equip them with enchanted relics to fortify your ranks. Plunge into unforgettable narratives and delve deeper into the game’s rich lore.

Train and Conquer with Behemoths: Encounter and defeat legendary Behemoths like Necrogiant, Flame Dragon, and Magma Daemon to gain the privilege to summon these mighty titans to sway the tides of warfare in your favor.

Experience the Excitement of Real-Time Warfare, seamless zoom capabilities, unrestricted troop mobility, and expert manipulation of three-dimensional landscapes. Call of Dragons emerges as a standout among its peers, delivering an unparalleled gaming adventure that will captivate strategic players.

Answer the summons and partake in the conflict within Call of Dragons, where the destiny of a thriving realm hangs precariously in the balance.