Call of Dragons. Building. Gathering building

Call of Dragons Gathering Guides


Expert tips on how to gather like a pro.

Last Updated: May 26, 2023

Gathering Heroes

This is a list of Call of Dragons heroes and their resource gathering abilities, categorized as either “Primary” or “Secondary” gatherers. A hero is considered a “Primary” gatherer for a resource when they have both a skill and talents that increase the gathering speed for that resource. On the other hand, a hero is considered a “Secondary” gatherer for a resource when they only possess talents that increase the gathering speed for that specific resource.

Tip: Because there is no Primary Mana Gatherer, it is recommended that you choose Mana Gathering talents for Pan and/or Indis early.

Note: In a May 2023 patch, gatherers are no longer able to level a deputy with the gathering talent “Earth’s Grace”.

call of dragons gathering talent tree

Hero Talents

  • Total EXP per day: 5.2% of gathered resource. 52,000 EXP cap.
  • Total Legion’s Gather Speed: 44%
  • Total Legion March Speed: 6% +
  • Total Load Capacity -10% | +2,500
  • Total plus-to Wood Gathering Speed: 25% (69% combined)
  • Total plus-to Gold Gathering Speed: 25% (69% combined)
  • Total plus-to Mana Gathering Speed: 25% (69% combined)
  • Total plus-to Ore Gathering Speed: 25% (69% combined)

Season 1 Tip: FTP and Low Spenders can reach City level 17 and unlock their fourth legion queue relatively easily. To maximize resource gains, it’s recommended to swiftly reach level 17, upgrade all gathering heroes to level 43, and unlock the Windfall talent. With Windfall, each fully gathered resource node will yield 3x Standard Resource Bundles. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, it’s possible to achieve an average of 17 gathering trips per day across 4 legions, resulting in 204 bundles daily. Let’s take Gold as an example. Each bundle contains 10,000 gold, meaning a potential extra gain of 2,040,000 gold per day. Keep in mind that this calculation assumes continuous troop gathering. During times of war or construction, the number of bundles obtained will naturally decrease.

Season 2 Tip: By the time Season 2 arrives, it is advisable for players to have their resource-producing buildings upgraded to a minimum of level 21. At this stage, it is recommended to assign at least one of your gatherers to switch from the “Windfall” talent to the “Lay of the Land” talent. The “Lay of the Land” talent boosts your city’s resource production by 50% for one hour after a legion has been gathering for one hour and completes gathering the resource node. This talent can further enhance your resource generation during Season 2 and beyond.

call of dragons item boost enhanced resource gathering

Item Boosts

  • 24-hour ,+50% gathering boost consumable item.
  • 8-hour, +50% gathering boost consumable item.

Tip: You can buy 24-hour boosts for resources at the goblin merchant shop, when they are available for purchase. Buy then whenever they are available and always have the 24-hour boost on.


Insure to equip your gathering heroes with Artifacts that grant an increase in Legion Load Capacity and Overall Gather Speed (Enchanted Coins, Storm Leaf, Lucia’s Horn, Ancient Tree Roots and Greenfinger Sickle).

Tip: If you have obtained the Greenfinger Sickle, insure that you are using the active ability to collect more resources every time the ability is available.

Best Gathering Troops

Workhorses have the most Load Capacity of any unit in the game (including T5 units). As such, they are considered the best unit for gathering. It is recommended for most players (Free-to-Play and Low Spenders) to omit building higher level Cavalry units and stick to Workhorses for the first two to four weeks of a season until you get enough military units to max out each march at resource nodes. Workhorses are also the preferred unit to send to a alliance resource node, as they have the highest capacity.

Unit Load Capacity Rankings: (Tier 1 -> 5)

  1. Workhorse: 20
  2. Infantry: 9/11/12/14/16
  3. Cavalry: 7/8/10/12
  4. Archers: 7/8/9/11/13
  5. Mages: 7/8/9/11/13
  6. Flyer: 1/1/1

Tip: During war, it’s ideal to have all your combat troops engaged in battles or involved in construction projects. However, when your troops end up in the hospital, it’s important to have enough workhorses available for gathering resources. Here’s an important consideration: When your troops are in close proximity to the enemy during war, there’s a high likelihood that the enemy will attempt to attack your gatherers. In this scenario, it may be beneficial to prioritize gathering with strong ranged units that can retaliate effectively (since melee units only return 50% of the damage through research). However, if you intentionally avoid conflicts to prevent your troops from ending up in the hospital solely for the purpose of being able to gather with units capable of counterattacking, it’s a different matter that warrants further discussion.

Alliance Buffs

It is extremely important for the development and overall prosperity of your account to choose to join an alliance that you can contribute to growing through out the game.

  • Development Tech:
  • Territory: Receive a 25% increase in gathering speed when gathering a resource node within alliance territory.
  • Behemoth: Behemoth buff + Acolyte Manastones

Technology & Policies

Coming soon...
Tip: Policies that increase gathering speed and legion capacity will not be available in Season 2.


The League of Order faction enjoys a 10% increase to overall gathering speed.