Call of Dragons Units Guides
View a comprehensive list of unit statistics including percentage change from one unit-tier to the next, and unit comparison.
Infantry are weak against Magic units, strong against Cavalry units, the best tanking units, the best Engineering Units.
All faction bonus: As their Legion’s Unit Count decreases, their physical defense increases.
Magic units are weak against Archers, strong against Infantry, have the longest attack range, the worst Engineering unit, the worst load capacity unit.
Longleaf Treants (Springwardens): Increases the defense of surrounding friendly legions.
Vestals (League of Order): Increases the health of nearby friendly legions.
Satyr Witches (Wilderburg): Increases the attack of surrounding friendly legions.
Tip: If you want to focus on PvP, it is highly recommended that Free-to-Play and low spenders focus speed-ups and resources on maxing out 1 mage legion before moving on to other unit legions – as they are much easier to maneuver and fight with early in the game.
Archers are weak against Cavalry, strong against Mages, have the shortest attack range, the worst Engineering unit, the worst load capacity unit.
Archers (Springwardens): Has an increase in physical attack and a decrease in march speed.
Ballistas (League of Order): While in combat, has their normal attack damage increased over time.
Spearmen (Wilderburg): Deal increased damage to all enemies.
Tip: If you want to focus on killing Behemoths and obtaining ranking rewards, focus your resources and speed-ups on training 1 full Marksman legion.
Cavalry are weak against Infantry, strong against Archers, have the fastest march speed, the worst Engineering unit, the worst load capacity unit.
All factions: When entering combat their physical attack is increased for a brief period .
Tip: To take advantage of their speed, it is advisable to maintain a few Tier 2 Cavalry units throughout all stages of the game. These units can serve as efficient Manastone and Chest collectors, as well as participate in rallies located far from your city.
Note: Flying units cannot reinforce a player’s city or rally.
Note: Flying units can traverse over terrain and rivers.
Training Units
Tip: To ensure efficient unit training, it is advisable to level up your unit creation buildings simultaneously and to a level that surpasses your sleep duration. By synchronizing the unit training timers, you can aim for a building level that allows you to be awake when your units finish training. This enables you to promptly retrain troops, minimizing downtime between training sessions.
Tip: By following the previous advice, you will now have the opportunity to acquire the powerful Behemoth Acolyte Manastone before commencing the training of your next set of troops. This will solidify the training reduction for your units.
Training New Troops VS. Promoting
To optimize your battle potential, it’s important to consider your heroes’ level and legion capacity when deciding between training new units or promoting existing units to a higher tier. In Season 1, most players have limited unit capacity, making it less advantageous to have more units than you can take into battle. The recommendation is to prioritize unit promotion only when creating new units would exceed your capacity. By doing so, you ensure that all troops contribute to your legion’s power. For example, if you have a unit capacity of 50,000 and currently possess 40,000 tier 3 units and 10,000 tier 2 troops, training new tier 3 units would leave the tier 2 troops behind in your city. On the other hand, promoting a portion of the tier 2 units to tier 3 ensures that they join your legions when you leave the city after training. It’s worth noting that as you progress to later seasons, this consideration becomes less relevant as you accumulate a surplus of units. However, for new accounts or players, it’s an important factor to keep in mind.
Tip: Also keep in mind that promoting and creating new units have slightly different resource costs. Make sure you analyze and plan accordingly.
Notes: In order for flying units to be able to traverse mountains and rivers, they need to be led by only heroes that are able to fly. That means if you have a commander and a deputy, both of them need to be able to fly.