call of dragons battles 02

Call of Dragons Combat Guides

Last Updated: August 26, 2023

Stat Boosts

Pay close attention to these unique statistics as they can greatly enhance your defenses and damage output.

Unit Bonuses

  • HP (Health Points)

  • Phys DEF (Physical Defense)

  • Mag DEF (Magical Defense)

  • Phys ATK (Physical Attack)

  • Mag ATK (Magical Attack)

Attack Bonuses

  • Normal Attack
  • Counter Attack
  • Hero Skill Damage
  • Crit Rate (Critical Strike Chance)

  • Crit Damage (Critical Strike Damage Bonus)

Defense Bonuses

  • Normal Attack Reduction

  • Counter Attack Reduction
  • Damage Reduction

  • Hero Skill Damage Reduction


  • Physical Damage
  • Magical Damage
  • Damage
  • DEF Penetration (All/Phys/Mag)

  • DEF Break (All/Phys/Mag)

Attack Types

  • Normal Attack – Normal Attacks rely on being within the required distance, or “in range,” of the target. Each unit type has its own specific distance for performing normal attacks. To execute a normal attack, you must either a) attack an enemy legion within range or b) be within range of an attacking legion. Legions will not perform normal attacks if they are not within range. Example: If a magic legion attacks a marksman legion, and the marksman legion is not within range to execute a normal attack, it will only respond with a counter attack. Also if you target a legion, and they are targeting a different legion, they will not deal normal attack damage to you. Unlike Counterattacks and Rage Skills, Normal attacks can only damage one legion.
    Note: Normal attacks are responsible for generating the rage required to perform hero rage skills.
  • Counter Attack – Counter Attacks are not dependent on being within a specific distance. If your legion is capable of counter attacking, it will always deal counter attack damage. (Please note that Infantry and Cavalry units require specific research technologies to enable counter attacks for melee units.)
  • Rage Skill – Rage Skills deal Hero Skill Damage and necessitates that a legion accumulate the required amount of rage to activate the hero’s rage skill. Rage Skills operate similar to counterattacks in that when able, will be launched at any and all attacking legions. However, the target must be in range in order for the rage skill to be unleashed.
  • Artifact Skill – Artifacts can be activated to deal Artifact Damage. A legion must generate sufficient rage to unleash the active skill of an artifact.

Damage Types

  • Physical: This type of damage is typically inflicted by Infantry, Cavalry, and Marksman units, but can also be caused by certain Artifacts.
  • Magical: Magical damage is primarily dealt by Magic units, including Mages and Celestials, but can also be caused by specific Artifacts.
  • Skill Damage Factor: The term “Factor” indicates that Skill Damage is influenced by unit stats, tier, and legion capacity. The higher the damage output of the units (either physical or magical), and the greater the legion capacity, the more damage a skill will inflict. This means that using higher-tier units will result in a more powerful Skill Damage Factor compared to lower-tier units. Additionally, a legion with a higher capacity will generate greater damage from rage skills compared to a legion with a lower capacity. This understanding is crucial in determining the most effective playstyle in player-versus-player combat.
  • Damage Factor: Artifacts are primarily responsible for dealing Damage Factor, which can manifest as either Physical or Magical Damage Factor. Similar to Skill Damage Factor, Damage Factor is distinct from direct damage values. For example, a Damage Factor of 1500 does not equate to 1500 damage. Instead, Damage Factor is influenced by unit damage and legion capacity.
    Both Skill Damage Factor and Damage Factor are both reduced by a legions defense.
  • Critical Rate: Critical Rate, also known as critical strike chance, represents the likelihood of triggering a critical hit during an attack.
  • Critical Damage: Critical Damage occurs when a critical hit is landed and results in 1.5 times the normal damage, equivalent to a 50% increase in damage output.


Merits gained: While it is true that the exact formula to calculates merits earned after battle is not known, we do know of some aspects that influence the increase of Merits gained. Those are as follows:

  • Damage – Dealing more damage in relation to that received after considering “fairness” of fight. Example: If an enemy has more legion capacity than you, but you deal more damage before being defeated, you will often earn more merits despite losing the battle.
  • Severely Wounded – There seems to be an increase in merits depending on the amount of severely wounded units you manage to send to your enemies hospital. The more severely wounded enemy units your legions send the hospital the more Merits you will earn.
  • Triumph – It is speculated that repeated enemy defeats, out in the field (without returning to your city), give you a bonus to Merits earned.

Status Effects

Buff: A buff is a positive effect that enhances your legion during its duration. For instance, when your legion is granted the “Onslaught” buff, it experiences increased normal attack damage dealt.
DeBuff: A debuff is a negative status ailment that adversely affects your legion during its duration. For example, when your legion is afflicted with the Freeze status effect, its march speed is reduced by 20% for 3 seconds.


  • Physical Keen: Increases physical attack

  • Normal Attack Focus: Increases normal attack crit rate

  • Onslaught: Increases normal attack damage

  • Passion: Increases rage accumulation speed
  • Rampage: Increases all unit damage
  • Resistance: Reduces all damage taken
  • Riposte: Increases counterattack damage
  • Vigor: Increases health


  • Ensnare: Reduces march speed
  • Gloom: Reduces physical attack
  • Feeble: Decreases all damage dealt
  • Fragility: Increases normal damage taken
  • Freeze: Reduces march speed

  • Infirm: Increases damage taken
  • Slow: Reduces march speed


The “surrounded” status effect is a debuff that affects a legion when two or more enemy legions encircle it. When surrounded, your legion experiences a 2% damage increase, with an additional 2% for each subsequent enemy legion surrounding it. For instance, if two enemy legions surround your legion, the damage increase is 2%. With three enemy legions surrounding, the additional damage rises to 4%, and so on.

Unit Advantage System

When a unit type has advantage over another, it deals 7% more damage to that unit, and takes 7% less damage from it.


What does being Surrounded do?2023-08-15T11:55:47-07:00

The “Surrounded” status effect is activated when two or more enemy legions engage in melee combat against a single legion. This inflicts a stackable 2% increase in damage taken debuff on the surrounded legion. For each extra legion participating in the surrounding, this debuff is further heightened by an additional 2%. For example, if five legions surround a single legion, the resulting damage increase on the surrounded legion would be 10%.

How does critical rate stack?2023-07-12T07:18:29-07:00

Critical Strike is additive, meaning it is not calculated using a multiplicative or double discounting method.

For example, let’s consider Fraeggar, who provides a 60% critical rate, and the Precision talent tree, which provides 5% critical rate. If you have both of them, they combine to give a total critical rate of 65%.

Can damage-over-time skill damage critically hit?2023-07-07T14:55:59-07:00

No, DoT (damage over time) is not capable of critically striking. The chance to crit is calculated when a rage skill is cast. Any subsequent damage does not take critical rate or critical damage modifiers into account.

Example 1: Liliya’s Scorch damage-over-time skill cannot critically hit.

Example 2: Alwyn’s Ensnare damage-over-time skill cannot critically hit.

Are shields considered Buffs?2023-07-07T14:56:19-07:00

Yes. Any type of shield obtained is considered a buff.

Example: Waldyr’s “Icy Vein’s talent grants a shield when casting rage skills.
Example 2: The talent “Orb of Protection” in the Magic tree, gives a 25% chance to gain a shield when casting rage skills.

Do I lose CP if a Rally gets canceled?2023-07-07T14:56:32-07:00

No, you will not lose Combat Points (CP) if a rally is canceled or if you are removed from a rally by the Rally Leader. All combat points should be returned to you in such cases. However, it’s important to note that when you join a rally, 150 CP is deducted from your total. If you subsequently gain CP through regular regeneration or by using an item, and if the rally is canceled or you are removed, any returned CP that exceeds your total CP cap will be lost.

How does rage generation work?2023-07-07T14:56:53-07:00

Normal attack damage gives consistent rage generation.
Counter attack damage gives very little rage – to the point where you will not be able to cast rage skills without using normal attacks.

Do Peacemaker bonuses work on Darkling Forts rally’s and Passes?2023-07-07T14:57:18-07:00

Yes, they work. Bonuses against Darklings, acquired through skills, artifacts, and talents, are effective against Darkling Commander-led armies, including those occupying Darkling Forts and Passes. However, it is important to note that only the artifacts and talents of the Commander will be active during the battle, while the artifacts and talents of the Deputy will not be taken into consideration.

This fact may not be immediately apparent since scouting reports may indicate that Darkling-led marches consist of regular faction units like Knights, Elkriders, and Wolfriders, giving the impression that Darklings are not present in the legion. Additionally, in battle reports, the “Legion Buffs” section does not list Peacemaker bonuses, and the “Battle Log” in the right-side menu only displays bonuses obtained from skills, excluding those gained from Talents or Artifacts. These factors contribute to the potential confusion surrounding this matter.

What is the base crit rate and crit damage of units?2023-07-07T14:57:46-07:00

Units don’t have base critical rate and critical damage. You need to obtain those statistics from a heroes talents or skills.

Example 1: Velyn’s “Bitter Cold” skill provides Magic unit hero skill critical rate bonus of 4%/5%/6%/8%/10%.

Example 2: The talent “Focus” in the Skills talent tree provides a 10% chance to gain hero skill critical rate on normal attack for 5 seconds.