
Call of Dragons Direbear Guide


The Direbear is one of Call of Dragon's easiest Behemoths to defeat. It is very similar to the regular bear with some additional mechanics to watch out for.

Direbear skills

Primal Strength

Direbear is immune to all debuff effects and impairment effects.

Claw Strike

Direbear brandishes its deadly claws, dealing Magic Skill damage to all enemy Legions in a forward arc.

Berserker Cyclone

Direbear unleashes a whirling claw attack, dealing Magic Skill damage to all surrounding Legions.


Direbear smashes the ground with dark energy. Seconds later, a Darkseal forms in a circle on the ground. Legions within the Darkseal take Magic Skill damage every second. The Darkseal can be dispelled.

Dark Rush

After a short charge-up, Direbear rushes forward, dealing Magic Skill damage to all Legions in its path and creating a Darkseal along its path. All Legions within the Darkseal take Magic Skill damage every second for a few seconds. The Darkseal can be Dispelled.


If Direbear does not hit any Legions while charging, then it is briefly Stunned, and its DEF is reduced. Healing Manastone also appears in its Lair; gather it to heal lightly wounded units.


If Direbear hits Legions while charging, it is briefly Frenzied, and will continuously cast the Skill "Rend".


Direbear tears at the enemy with its teeth, dealing Magic Skill damage to all Legions in a forward arc, then immediately bites all Legions in the same range, dealing Magic Skill damage a second time. All targets in range of the two attacks take equal damage.

Healing Manastone

Each time Direbear loses 25% HP, its Lair produces Healing Manastone. When gathered, it heals a Legion's lightly wounded units.

Dark Brutality

As Manastone begins to more deeply influence Giant Bears, it lodges itself within their blood. Veins of dark energy appear in their fur; a clear sign that these ancient and noble beasts have been corrupted by evil forces.

Direbear guide

Tank Positioning and Darkseal: Start the fight with the tank pulling the Direbear to the center, while the rest of the raid positions themselves to the side of the tank. When the Direbear casts Darkseal, the tank should move away from it to avoid taking damage over time. The tank should be mindful of their position in relation to the raid, ensuring that the Direbear is always within range and the raid doesn’t have to move unnecessarily.

Dark Rush and Vulnerability Phase: The Direbear will run to the middle of the arena and perform a stomp, causing everyone to be knocked up into the air. This signals its next attack, called “Dark Rush.” During this charge attack, players should stop damaging the Direbear and quickly move out of its path at a 90-degree angle. If successfully dodged, the Direbear will slam into the wall, becoming stunned and vulnerable to damage. Utilize artifacts at this point to maximize damage. Each subsequent Dark Rush phase increases the number of charge attacks the Direbear performs (starting with 1, then 2, then 3 charges).

Healing Manastones: Periodically, the Direbear will drop healing manastones. Only pick them up if the raid or tank is in need of healing. If the raid has effectively avoided damage, the healing stones may not be necessary, allowing for maximum damage output. When activating a healing stone for the tank, the entire raid should move towards the manastone, activate it, and then move away to ensure the tank can resume tanking safely with the raid positioned away from the Direbear.

Continue cycling through these phases until you defeat the Direbear.


  1. Bring ranged units to attack the Dire Bear from a distance, minimizing the risk of area-of-effect attacks and taking damage.
  2. The Tank should equip the “taunt” artifact, Harlequin Mask, and use it whenever possible to maintain the attention of the Dire Bear.
  3. Position the Tank at the edge of the arena, away from the rest of the raid, to keep the Dire Bear separated. Additionally, the Tank can zoom in the camera and make small movements to avoid standing in the toxic pool while keeping the bear away from others.
  4. Players should save their artifacts until after the Direbear becomes stunned (losing % defense for a few seconds) to deal more damage.
  5. For lower-powered players, equipping the artifact “Spirit Bangle” and using its Cleansing Charm skill can help cleanse Dark Seals.

Elite Version

  • Increased health points, attack, and defense by 150%
  • Enemy legion deals 50% less magic damage.
  • When legions have less than 30% health points remaining, they restore health points when they deal damage. Health points restored are equivalent to 30% of the damage dealt.
  • Direbear generates Darkseal continuously while moving.


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