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call of dragons hero portrait chakcha

Call of Dragons Chakcha Guide


Chakcha is a very useful early and late game gathering powerhouse. You should abuse his second skill "Mountain Mover" and talent Veteran Miner to gather ridiculous amounts of Ore throughout the game.

Chakcha Hero Skills

call of dragons chakcha hero skills

Hunter's Instinct

Hunter's Instinct

Rage Cost: 1,000
Grants Riposte and Passion, increasing counterattack damage by (5%/7%/9%/12%/15%) and increasing Rage Accumulation Speed by (5%/7%/9%/12%/15%) for 5s.

call of dragons chakcha hero skills

Mountain Mover

Mountain Mover

Passive Skill: Increases the gather speed of Chakchas legion by x%, it’s low capacity by x%, and it’s four gathering speed by an additional x%.  (2%/ 4%/6%/8%/10%)

call of dragons chakcha hero skills

Hands-on Experience

Hands-on Experience

Passive Skill: Increases the DEF of Chakcha’s Legion by (2%/3%/4%/5%/7%)

call of dragons chakcha hero skills

Comfort Food

Comfort Food

Passive Skill: Increases the HP of Chakcha’s legion by (2%/3%/4%/5%/7%) and automatically heals the legions lightly wounded units by (300/450/600/800/1,000) healing factor after defeating an enemy legion.


One Comment
  1. Yollaww December 20, 2023 at 1:50 am

    Would u mind update the information about this hero + PAN?

    and there are several legendary heroes that are missing in the hero guidance, such as Bakshi, Hosk, and Indis.

    Please update those 3 legendary information! Would love to support your page.

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