call of dragons event behemoth hunter giant bearBehemoth Hunter Giant Bear
call of dragons event behemoth hunterBehemoth Hunter
call of dragons event strongest lord
Start Date: Day 8
Event length: 6 days


  1. The event is divided into 2 stages and takes place over 6 days. The first 5 days is the Armament Stage, and Day 6 is the Battle Stage. These 2 stages have separate rankings, and the highest-ranked Lords will receive rewards.
  2. The events of the first 4 days of the Armament Stage are held in the following order: Legion Training, Defeat Darklings (excludes Darkling Guards), Resource Gathering, and Power Up. On the 5th day, you can still obtain points by engaging in the activities of the first 4 days, but you will receive fewer points than the 4 previous days.
  3. 3During the Armament Stage, Lords can earn rewards by completing the specified Quests every day, as well as ranking rewards for each day. Lords’ overall rankings for this stage will be determined by the sum of their daily points on each day during the Armament Stage.
  4. The battle Stage only lasts 1 days and no Quests will be issued. You can fight to your heart’s content or protect yourself on this day.



On the first day, the Training Legion day, upgrading units does not grant full point value. Instead, points are calculated by previous tier unit point value – next tier unit point value = point value



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