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call of dragons event breaking through
Start Date: Day 8
Event length: 3 days


During the event, alliance officers can choose a starting point to start escorting the caravan. Once the caravan reaches the destination, all alliance members will get rewards. Members who contribute more during the escort process will get more rewards.

  1. During the event, each alliance has three attempts to escort the caravan to its destination. The escort attempt will succeed as long as the caravans supply integrity is greater than 0, and alliance members will get rewards based on the escort results. If all the caravans supplies are looted or if the escort is abandoned, alliance members will not get rewards, but the alliance will regain the escort attempt.
  2. To escort a caravan, tap the escort button in the caravans pop up window and select a legion to deploy. Personal points are obtained by sending legions to follow the caravan or by defeating darklings who attack the caravan. Reach the personal point target and complete the escort successfully to gain corresponding rewards. You can claim rewards up to a maximum of three times.
  3. Each alliance member can only deploy 1 legion to help escort the caravan. Alliance officers can select where and when the escort starts. Before the escort starts, there will be a period of prep time where you can deploy legions to wait at the designated start point. After the escort starts, the first legion to score points will be automatically selected to join the escort and cannot be changed until the escort is complete. Alliance members cannot gain anymore points from this escort if their legion is routed or returns to the city.
  4. Alliances that complete an escort successfully will enter the escort rankings and will be ranked higher if they complete contracts with a higher difficulty level. If alliances complete a contract with the same difficulty level, they will be ranked according to supply integrity. If the supply integrity is the same, alliances that complete escorts sooner will be ranked higher. Ranking rewards will be issued at the same time a period of time after the event ends.
  5. Tap the bandit guide in the upper right corner of the event page to view the different types of enemies and their skills and prepare in advance.
  6. New escorts cannot be started in the last 15 minutes before the event ends, but escorts that have already started can still be continued, so use the event time wisely.




Bring a secondary “support” legion that is positioned to use Artifacts with buffs to effect the nearby alliance primary legions that have been selected for the event. After you have used your artifact and buffed surrounding allied legion, move your legions out of the way as they can take AOE damage.

  • Codex of Prophecy (Infantry)
  • Amulet of Glory (Cavalry)
  • Kurrata’s Wrath (Peacekeeper)

It is recommended to bring mages as there are a lot of enemy Infantry and you will be doing bonus damage. Also, mages do a lot of AOE damage to hit the large amount of enemies that will be grouped up around the Carravan. Lilia is the prefered hero, then Velyn, then Waldyr.

This even repeats throughout a season.



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