How to use speed ups for maximum value

New Account Guide

Published On: May 8, 2023Categories: Call of Dragons


In the early game you really want to prioritize scouting the map. Your goal should be to scout your entire starting zone to 90% and then use the Watch tower to clear the remaining 10%, for a full 100% clear of the zone. Scouting provides massive advantages early in the game. Here is a list of what you are looking for.

  1. Mercenary Camps: At Mercenary Camps in “Call of Dragons”, you will be presented with two troop types to add to your legion. However, it’s highly recommended that you always choose the Tier 1 cavalry regardless of the options presented to you. This is because they have greater long-term value compared to other units. While other unit types will be eventually upgraded to higher tiers, horses cannot, making them a staple unit type at all stages of the game, especially during wartime when your war units are unable to fight and need to recover in the hospital. When this occurs, you can now use the available march queue to gather resources with the tier 1 cavalry units.
  2. Villages: Villages have the possibility of granting gold, wood, stone, gems, speed-ups, and more. Always be finding and collecting the gifts.
  3. Wonders: Wonders are little story events that when completed provide wonderful rewards including Tier 4 Magic Flying units, epic hero tokens, 60-minute speedups, keys, and resources.
  4. Alliances:


Alliances are an important part of your account at every stage of the game, but it is particularly important that you are in an alliance as early as possible. Here are some notable actions and strategies you can use while in an alliance.

  1. Help: Every time you build infrastructure or research technology, you can ask your alliance for help. Every time you receive help from an alliance member the time it takes to complete the task is reduced by 1% (minimum of 1 minute). This adds up quickly in the beginning and helps you snowball into achieving higher power quickly.
  2. Vision: You need to be able to use beginner teleports to move across each starting zone.
  3. Territory: Once you settle down in an alliance, begin trying to gather solely on alliance territory for the 20% increased gathering speed.

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