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Things you should be doing while in an alliance

Donate to Alliance Technology

Research Points: Donating to advance your alliance technology allows your leader to complete it’s research when the bar is full. This will give all members in your alliance access to the technology bonus once it is complete.
Personal Points: Every time you donate or help alliance members you gain personal points. Personal points can be accumulated and used to purchase various items in the Alliance Shop.
Alliance EXP: Use to increase your alliance level.

Claim Alliance Gifts

Every time your alliance kills a Hellwatcher, every member in the alliance gets a normal loot box. And every time someone purchases a in-game pack (with real money), all alliance members are granted variable rewards depending on the type of pack that was purchased. Things like wooden/silver/iron chests that contain speed ups, exp tomes, and resources.

land of empires alliances alliance aid

Aid Alliance members

Every time you aid an alliance member, you are reducing their time building a structure, healing wounded troops, or researching technology. Other alliance members can help you do the same by pressing the Aid All button. Also, you get alliance points to spend in the shop.

land of empires alliances war rallying

Join war rallies

Always check what kind of rallies your alliance is conducting. Some times it is for something pressing, like an event or an attack/defense from an enemy alliance. Or it could be for the daily Hellwatcher kills for rewards.

land of empires alliance events tab

Check Alliance Events

There are three tabs in the Alliance Events section. The first, Alliance Quests, allows you to claim daily rewards upon completion. The second tab, Alliance Events, shows you your Alliance progress in the current Alliance events. And the Event Calendar shows you up-coming Alliance events so you can stay prepared and plan for the future.

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