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call of dragons behemoth thunder roc

Call of Dragons Thunder Roc Guide

Thunder Roc

The Thunder Roc is the third Behemoth you encounter in Call of Dragon's and presents several challenging mechanics that require careful attention. Successfully defeating the Thunder Roc relies on effectively recognizing its attack patterns and promptly evading them. Neglecting to dodge its attacks can result in casualties for both the player and their teammates.

Thunder Roc skills

Wing Strike

Thunder Roc beats its powerful wings, dealing Magic Skill damage to all Legions in a forward arc.

Zealous Blow

Thunder Roc shakes its wings, dealing Magic Skill damage to all surrounding Legions.

Gathering Storm

After a short charge-up, Thunder Roc unleashes a powerful burst of lightning, dealing Magic Skill damage to all surrounding Legions. If Thunder Roc is in water, it will cast Electrostatic Discharge.

Storm Cage

Thunder Roc fires ball lightning at water, electrifying it, reducing March Speed and dealing continuous Magic Skill damage.


Thunder Roc takes to the skies before swooping down, knocking all Legions Airborne toward the edges of its Lair when it lands.


Thunder Roc beats back Legions, then flies up. Each pool produces Manastone. Gather manastone to unleash lightning attack. Thunder Roc falls when all Manastone is gathered.

Electric Blast

Thunder Roc circles and Shocks 3 enemy Legions. Lightning then strikes, damaging nearby Legions. If the Legions are in water, Electrostatic Discharge occurs.

Fall Back

After all Manastone has been gathered, Thunder Roc will fall into the center of its Lair and be Stunned for a short time.

Thunderous Cry

A few minutes after entering battle, Thunder Roc becomes Enraged, unleashing Scarlet Lightning and instantly killing all Legions within its Lair.

Thunder Roc guide

Tanks & Positioning – Initiate the fight with your tank, allowing the rest of the raid to enter and disperse within the arena. Avoid bringing melee units with the intention of dealing damage, as the Thunder Roc employs a 150-degree frontal arc attack, a short-range 360-degree whirlwind attack, and a long-ranged 360-degree wind-up slam attack. It’s crucial to evade these attacks. However, you can have a secondary or tertiary tank positioned behind the Roc to regain its attention if aggro is lost. Ensure that your tanks effectively utilizes taunt to keep the Thunder Roc centered in the arena.

Dodge Storm Attack: The Thunder Roc will periodically charge up its Gathering Storm attack, which has an approximately 8-second casting time. All players must make sure to avoid this powerful attack, as it inflicts significant damage. If the Roc successfully hits a legion positioned in the water, it will unleash the Electrostatic Discharge ability.

Note: The Thunder Roc’s ability cannot be interrupted.

Avoid Ball Lightning: After some time, the Thunder Roc will fly towards the center of the arena and launch two projectiles, targeting two bodies of water, one at a time. When the projectile detonates upon hitting the water, it electrifies the surrounding area. Players who find themselves in the electrified water will suffer continuous damage and movement impairment. To avoid this, make sure to move away from the water before the projectile explodes. Right after the projectiles detonate, the Thunder Roc ascends into the air and forcefully slams back down onto the ground, causing players to be knocked back.

Gather Healing Crystals: After dealing a significant amount of damage, the Thunder Roc will drop four green crystals, one for each of the four bodies of water. Keep an eye on the Roc, as it will launch the same two projectiles as before. Make sure to evade the two pools where the projectiles are directed and move towards the other safe pools. Once there, activate the healing manastone by channeling its power.

Don’t Electrocute Members: During this phase, the Roc will also use Electric Blast, a skill that selects three players and marks them with a Lightning Circle. These players must quickly move to the middle of the arena and ensure they stand apart from each other and other raid members. Continue cycling through these various phases and mechanics until you defeat the Thunder Roc.

Note: There is a rage timer. If you don’t kill the Roc within the time limit, everyone instantly dies.


Elite Version:

  • Thunder Roc has 150% increased health points, attack, and defense.
  • Physical units take 100% more damage.
  • Becomes enraged 1 minute sooner.
  • Increases the number of legions required to gather healing manastone to 13.


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